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Foto: So reinigst du deine Yogamatte nachhaltig von Geruch und Schmutz

This is how to sustainably clean your yoga mat from odor and dirt.

Your yoga mat is your faithful companion in every yoga session. However, over time it can accumulate odor and dirt, which is not only unpleasant but can also affect the effectiveness of your practice. Learn here how to sustainably free your yoga mat from odor and dirt to protect yourself from harmful substances.

Why is cleaning important?

Regularly cleaning your yoga mat is not only hygienic but also important for its longevity and your health. Dirt and bacteria can accumulate and trigger allergic reactions.

Use natural cleaning products

"Use natural cleaning agents to thoroughly clean your yoga mat without using harmful chemicals. Because your skin does not absorb all the substances it comes into contact with."

establish a cleaning routine

Create a regular cleaning routine for your yoga mat. After each session, you can wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove sweat and dirt. A thorough cleaning should be done at least once a week.

Sun drying for freshness

Use the power of the sun to naturally disinfect and dry your yoga mat. Lay it out in a sunny spot and let it dry for a few hours. The UV rays from the sun help to neutralize odors and kill bacteria.

Avoid heat sources

Avoid exposing your yoga mat to heat sources such as radiators or dryers, as this can damage the material. It is optimal to let the mat air dry to extend its lifespan.

Final thoughts

A clean yoga mat is essential for a pleasant and hygienic yoga practice. With these simple and sustainable cleaning methods, you can effectively remove odors and dirt to optimize your yoga experience. Take care of your yoga mat regularly so that it brings you joy for a long time and accompanies you on your yoga journey.